As any HR executive search consultants likely know, the importance of employee retention is quite the significant one. And as HR executive search consultants will know, employee retention is becoming a growing problem as well, something that is only continuing to escalate as time passes on. And these HR executive search consultants and other such Human Resources consultants are more than justified in their worries, as the data surrounding employee retention rates continues to prove quite alarming indeed.

This data shows that considerably more than two and a half million employees of various roles and in various industries have willingly chosen to leave their jobs by the time that the month of June of the year of 2015 had rolled around. This showed a marked increase from the statistics gathered on the subject two years prior. In total, this increase was as much as 25%, something that is certainly alarming for HR executive search consultants working at various HR executive search firms all throughout the country, to say the least.

Much of the blame has been attributed to the prevalence of millennials in the workforce. After all, millennials have not become known as the job hopping generation for no reason at all. According to recently gathered data, as much has 60% of the millennial population currently in the workforce would actually leave their current job at the drop of a hat, should a better job be offered at any point along the way. But many millennials cannot truly be blamed for this, as most of them are simply looking for the job that will provide them with the most stable work environment with the most potential for growth and the best benefits, something that just about all HR executive search consultants will be easily able to attest to.

Unfortunately, far too few employees, no matter what industry that they might work in, feel adequately encouraged and pushed to do their best possible work. In fact, only around 20% (a mere one fifth) of all employees reported this being the case, with the vast majority instead saying that they did not feel as encouraged as they would have liked to feel by their superiors and higher ups. This can make expectations unclear and employees in all different capacities more stressed out and less able to produce high quality work than what would otherwise have been possible.

Fortunately, this is a problem that can be rectified with relative ease, all throughout the institution of employee recognition programs. Employee recognition programs are easily able to implemented into just about any given workplace here in the United States, and these programs can be hugely ideal for improving overall employee morale, happiness, and engagement in the workplace. After all, up to 86% of all companies that have put them into place have noted that they have been quite overwhelmingly successful indeed. Making employees feel heard and their issues seen is hugely and utterly important for the success of just about any workplace here in the United States as a whole.

Pushing for diversity in the workplace is something that has also become more important than ever before – again, something that HR executive search consultants can attest to as being quite true. While this issue can have some tensions built into it and can draw some criticism from both sides of the political spectrum, there is no denying the benefits that a diverse workplace can bring to just about any given industry here in the United States. From gender diversity to ethnic diversity, all types of diversity – even age diversity – can work in a working environment’s favor in the long run.

And the data surrounding the subject more than backs up this claim. Companies that have made an effort in gender diversity will easy outperform companies that are not gender diverse, often by as much as 15%. In addition to this, companies that have incorporated a good deal of ethnic diversity will outperform less diverse companies by a staggering 35%. Therefore, it is easy to see the incredibly important role that diversity can play – and will play – in the success of a company.

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