Website companies santa rosa

Did you know that more than 90% of all internet experiences begin with a visit to a search engine? This means that in order to properly market your business online, you must utilize SEO, or search engine optimization. Fortunately, there are several effective SEO strategies to choose from, and internet marketing consulting services will implement them for you to help your website gain more traffic.

1. Content creation. This SEO technique is designed to help websites rank higher on search engine results pages, which is important because 80% of users ignore the sponsored ads on these pages. Content creation involves publishing and distributing keyword-rich blogs on a regular basis, and depending on the frequency and relevance of this blog distribution, your website will rank higher and receive more clicks. Considering that companies have 434% more indexed pages when they blog, internet marketing experts will use this SEO strategy to your advantage.

2. Responsive web design. The goal of this marketing technique is to provide users with an optimal web viewing experience. Responsive web design not only involves helping your website operate flawlessly across thousands of different screens, but it also includes making your website attractive and simple to use, as well. Fortunately, by seeking help from a website design service, users will be able to interact with your website with ease.

3. Mobile web design. Your website must be compatible with all mobile devices, as well. This is because 40% of mobile users utilize their devices to compare prices while in brick-and-mortar stores, and more than 20% of all eCommerce sales are a result of mobile web surfing. This means that when you make your website mobile-friendly, you will be able to reach more potential customers.

In order to properly market your website online, it is important to seek help from an internet marketing consulting company. This is because SEO services will implement a variety of effective marketing techniques, and each one will help your website gain more traffic. This means that by hiring the best internet marketing consulting company, you will be able to attract more customers. See this reference for more.

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