It services chicago

It support chicago Tip One: Know your malware. Malware is a portmanteau of malicious and software, meaning simply any type of software installed on a computer with the intent to do harm. Some common types of malware include spyware, which record key strokes or allow others to view your desktop. Redirectors direct a browser to a malicious site instead of the one the user intended to go to. Trojans, like the Trojan Horse of legend, install back doors in the system without the user’s knowledge. Viruses are distinct from malware in that they are self replicating and able to spread of their own accord. Chicago IT services rarely see an actual virus, as they are relatively rare. If you think you have a virus, chances are it is malware instead.

IT Support Chicago Tip Two: Use some form of malware protection. Various programs are available for the explicit purpose of protecting you from attack. Chicago managed services may have some form of protection available for download or already in place, so check with an IT support Chicago professional for their recommendation. A computer should have some form of firewall and at least one malware scanner program. Avoid having more than one firewall running at the same time. Very few firewall programs are compatible, and running two at once will compromise both.

IT Support Chicago Tip Three: Be suspicious of attachments and links. Keep in mind that malware does not spread like a virus. It has to be installed. Most malware hitches a ride with legitimate programs, so investigate carefully anything you’re about to download. Don’t click on links or open attachments from sources you don’t trust.

IT Support Chicago Tip Four: Choose a good password. A lot of strife can be avoided with a solid password. Complexity is key. A password that is at least eight characters long, contains letters and numbers, and contains lower and uppercase letters will be more resistant to guesses and brute force dictionary assaults. Also avoid using passwords that are commonly used.

IT Support Chicago Tip Five: Beware of phishing. In addition to guessing passwords, hackers can compromise accounts by posing as legitimate businesses and simply requesting passwords from a user. Be aware that no legitimate company should ever ask for your password. If you get an email requesting your password or directing you to a site requiring the input of your password, you should contact IT services Chicago. Find out more about this topic here:

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