When you are considering moving to phone that use voice over internet protocol (VoIP), you may be worried about making the actual switch. Anytime you switch your business’s phone system, you have a good reason to be concerned. This is an important part of your company’s success. You need your phone system to work. Here are some ways to make the switch to VoIP go well.
- What are you trying to accomplish? What are your reasons for making the switch from your current phone system to VoIP business services phones? Are you doing this to cut your costs? Are you looking to upgrade your equipment? Many VoIp business phone system installations are done to accommodate workforces that are made up of people who work all over the country or all over the world. Knowing what you are trying to do by making the switch will have a big impact on how successful it is.
- Research providers of hosted phone systems. Not all providers of VoIP systems are created equal. This is another good reason to spend some time working out your reasons for changing your phone system. Some companies are better at providing certain services than others. The first thing you need to remember as you look at your options is that you should not decide based on the price alone. The cheapest option may end up costing you a lot more than the cost of the bill. Your credibility can be shattered by bad phone services. By the same token, the most expensive service may not be the best. You should call a few phone systems providers, look at your service options and the costs of each. Often, the companies that come in somewhere in the middle may be your best bet for a good VoIP service.
- Develop your plan to make the switch. Before you switch over from one system to another, you need to decide what your plan for that change is. Some companies have the new business VoIP systems installed and make the switch all at once. Others have the new business phone systems put in but keep their old phone systems running on a parallel track for at least a period of time. Some of this will be determined by the reasons for the switch ad the kind of services you will be using. You can work with the VoIP provider to develop the best strategy for your needs.
- Train your staff. There is often a learning curve involved in switching from one kind of phone system to another. Training your staff should be done for a few reasons. In the first place, they need to be able to use the phone system without dropping calls. In the second place, there may be other policies that you are implementing at the same time so your employees need to understand all of that and know how to use the new features of the VoIP system. The new features do you no good if no one at your company has any idea of how to use them. You can work with your VoIP provider on the best way to train your staff on how to use the new phone system. They may not be excited about the new system but if you show them how it will benefit them, they will warm to the idea of learning a new system.
- Have a plan B. When you are setting up your new VoIP system with the provider, make sure you plan out what you will do if you lose power or the internet. As great as VoIP phone systems are, they need both power and access to the internet to work. Most of the time, VoIP providers will help you set up an uninterruptible power source and power over ethernet switch. Having back up power systems is important to keeping your phone systems up and running. If you are not able to set up this kind of system, you can work with a provider of VoIP phone systems that offers a redundancy system of their own.
There are a lot of reasons for small businesses to switch to VoIP phone systems. Following these tips will make the process go better.