The cloud is taking the world by storm. That’s not the weather report, but the state of IT in the world today. Cloud storage and services have grown exponentially in a few years, and are poised for further expansion. For businesses, they offer many advantages. These include lower costs, but that’s just the beginning. Data stored on the cloud can be accessed from multiple locations and shared across applications, streamlining the work process.
So let’s get down to the basics. What is the cloud, what are the advantages of using the cloud, and does your business need the cloud?
What is the cloud, anyway?
That question could be phrased more accurately though less grammatically as follows: where is the cloud? Alas, the answer is not that scientists have discovered some fifth dimension that offers near-magical powers of data storage and retrieval. The cloud does have an actual physical location, and lives on arrays of powerful dedicated servers.
When you use the cloud for data storage and IT services, your information and apps are being stored on the servers instead of locally on your computer or laptop. Fantastically improved internet speeds and data storage and retrieval makes this possible. For businesses and individuals alike, the cloud offers a number of advantages.
What are the advantages of using cloud services?
Cloud services are less expensive than maintaining your own server. With cloud services, your data are protected and your software upgraded as needed. As the technology advances rapidly, an individual or even a full staff may not be able to keep up with all the changes.
Using the cloud isn’t just the lower-cost option; there are many other benefits as well. By keeping your software updated, your data and apps are protected from malicious attacks. One of the most important functions of the cloud is safe data storage.
Another major benefit is that data stored on the cloud can be accessed from multiple locations and devices, giving offices and workers greater flexibility. This also enables data sharing across applications, which allows businesses to streamline their functioning.
Cloudy with strong chance of savings
With all the advantages of cloud services, there’s been a huge growth in demand. The global market for cloud equipment is predicted to reach $79.1 billion by 2018.
The vast majority, or 82%, of companies that moved to the cloud reported that they save money. And 80% reported that they saw improvements in their businesses within six months of moving to the cloud.
Does your business need the cloud?
If you need to keep your data and customer information safe, protect your software and computers from malicious attacks, and benefit from lower costs, and constant software updates, the answer is simple. Yes, your business does need to move to the cloud.
The transition can actually be quite easy, with some help. Most companies offer a range of services, from helping your business move to the cloud, to consulting services to help you keep your data and software safe and handy.
Even though the name calls up images of something insubstantial and ethereal, the cloud is quite real and tangible. The total number of physical servers around the world is estimated to be 50 million and is growing rapidly. We may not even be aware that we’re using the cloud, but these managed it services have become part of our lives in many essential ways.