There’s a lot of misinformation out there about cloud hosting services. According to a recent study, about 29% of people think cloud hosting had something to do with the weather, and another 51% think storms and bad weather actually affected the performance of cloud servers.
What’s interesting, though, is that among the various myths and fallacies out there, are facts. Cloud hosted servers are incredible, so much so that people will lump the truth about them in with the myths.
Here are a few things about cloud hosting servers that seem too good to be true.
The Cloud Is Growing.
The cloud is growing at a staggering pace, and has been for years. A recent study by IDG found that in just two years, 12% more enterprises have started using cloud hosting services for a total of 69% of enterprises. The same study found that the average spending of enterprises on cloud hosting was a staggering $3.3 million. Even more amazing, end-user spending on cloud servers could be more than $180 billion by 2015, and by 2018, it’s predicted that the global market for cloud equipment will be $79.1 billion.
Chances Are You’re Already Using It Whether You Know It or Not.
Do you have an e-mail? If so, then there’s a very, very good chance you’re already using the cloud. In fact, according to the survey mentioned earlier, about 95% of respondents had been using the cloud without even knowing they were.
It’s Creating IT Jobs.
One of the big reasons so many companies love cloud hosting is because it does such a great job streamlining their IT departments. It either takes some of the burden off of the department’s shoulders, allowing them to take care of other, more pertinent tasks, or it allows the company to scale their IT department down. It can even create IT jobs, too. As more and more switch to the cloud, more and more cloud hosting services are in need of IT admins who understand the cloud’s technical intricacies.
Yes, believe the hype. Cloud hosting is an amazing work of technological prowess. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments. More.